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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge

I want to take a minute to share with you what I have been doing to get back in shape after having my third baby. I don't want to get too lengthy with my rumblings so I will be doing this post in parts.

Part I- Why I personally took the Body by Vi 90 day challenge...

About six months ago I decided I needed to find something to help me get back in shape after having my third baby. I worked out through my whole pregnancy and was back at it when my baby boy was only two weeks old. Exercise is not hard for me to fit into my day. I love the way it makes me feel. I hate the way I feel when I don't exercise. I will make time for exercise pretty much no matter what.  But I am not as dedicated to eating healthy. Don't get me wrong, I do love eating clean healthy food and for the most part eat very nutritious food. But I also love treats. I love chocolate, cookies, brownies, ice cream...u get the idea. Once upon a time I was able to eat all the junk food I wanted and it didn't affect my body. If only I were that lucky still.

If I eat junk now it shows. My belly bloats and I feel sluggish.  That should be enough to convince me to not touch it right? I wish. I also struggle with feeling hungry when I am tired. Newborn babe and a two year old that doesn't ever sleep= very tired momma= sugar craving monster. So after struggling to find a way to control my cravings I was introduced to the Body by Vi 90 day challenge. At first I was skeptical. Why did I need to drink protein shakes to get in shape and lose my baby weight? I have a degree in exercise science, I like eating healthy and I love working out. I was strong enough all by myself...or so I kept telling myself. But it wasn't working and I was frustrated. I hated the way my body looked and felt and I beat myself up every time I over ate or shoved crappy food down my throat.  

Life with three kids was also proving to be challenging for me. I found myself leaning towards convenience foods for the kids and then I would end up eating their leftovers...bad mommy habit. 

I kept hearing more and more about the 90 day challenge. On top of hearing about it, everyone taking the challenge was having amazing results...people I personally knew. I wanted in on the fun and the results.

Just days into my first challenge I was convinced that the 90 day challenge was exactly what I needed. I was hooked. I felt better, had more energy, craved sugar less, and was losing weight. I was happy with how things were going.

Don't get me wrong, it wasnt effortless, it still took diligence and I had to plan and prep healthy foods and keep healthy snacks on hand. But the challenge kept me focused and the shakes made it so much easier to eat healthier. The best thing was I craved sugar less and preferred to eat healthy snacks. I was craving almonds, cottage cheese, veggies and egg whites. I still love treats but I am less likely to indulge myself on a frequent basis. The challenge has helped me realize some sacrifices are worth it. When I do fall off the wagon the challenge gives me motivation to jump right back on instead of giving up. I don't feel like I am on a diet. I enjoy the food I get to eat. It's a lifestyle change I can keep up. And one I want to keep up. 

I am currently in the middle of my second challenge and loving every minute of it. I still want to lose a few pounds but I am also focusing on building muscle. My body is making changes on the inside and the outside. Just today my husband told me I was turning into a sexy beast...I will happily accept that compliment and chalk it up to the challenge:) 

Okay tomorrow I will continue with part II- Why I promote the challenge to others. I am excited to share lots of personal testimonials with you. Daily I get messages on fb or text from other challengers sharing their successes. It's inspiring. I love helping others find joy in life by becoming the best self they can be.

You can check out the challenge here-

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