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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Inspiring Others...

When I was pregnant with my first baby I was teaching classes at a club in Des Moines, Iowa.  There were definitely days when I was so tired and uncomfortable that I just didn't want to teach.  After class one day a class member came up to me and expressed how much she appreciated me.  She had just lost her job and was having to make a career changge which also meant relocating across the country.  She was overwhelmed and a little depressed about her situation.  She let me know that I was her motivation to not give up.  She figured if I could teach group exercise classes being 9 months prego she could keep a smile on her face and look for the good in life.  I never would have thought I would influence anyone in this way just by teaching a step class at the gym.  

Someone looks up to you like this when they see you setting and reaching your health goals. It may be a family member or friend or a complete stranger. 

Today let us inspire those around us to be strong, to stay the course.  I promise you someone is watching and you will make a difference.  And remember progress is progress no matter how small.

I am attempting to make these tomorrow...

Quinoa Protein Bars
From SkinnyMs.
I am totally curious.

I will let you know how it goes.

In the meantime here is a little snack idea that will also satisfy your sweet tooth

1 Rice cake (40-60cals)
1 TBSP Peanut Butter ((100 cals)
Drizzle of honey (about a tsp 20 clas)

Top with  one of the following-
10 chocolate chips (27 cals), 1/2 banana sliced (50 cals), raisins,
1 TBSP crushed walnuts (50 cals)

I had some successes in the kitchen this morning so I will be sharing lots of recipes tomorrow!



  1. SO true Megan! I battle a very annoying on/off situation with my weight. It's crazy, but I never know who/what is going to light that fire in me to shed a bunch of weight. Keep the blogs posts coming! I love your genuine and energetic approach!
    Ashley (Richins) Walbruch
    Charlotte, NC

    1. Hi Ashley! I am glad u like the blog. I hope I can provide u with some info that's healthy. let me know if u have questions or topics u would like to be addressed on here. u have a cute little family!
